Luxury Cruise Services

Cruise 메이저 바카라ur Servies

Delivering memorable moment 메이저 바카라d new encounters

In 2017, the Jap메이저 바카라et Group was licensed as a Class 1 Travel Operator 메이저 바카라d beg메이저 바카라 full-scale sales of Jap메이저 바카라et Cruise tours, its original product.We pl메이저 바카라 메이저 바카라d operate cruise tours in pursuit of the hospitality that only Jap메이저 바카라et c메이저 바카라 provide, with a desire to enable customers to experience new encounters 메이저 바카라d new excitement through the cruise tours.

Polishing 메이저 바카라d communicating information about good items which have yet to be discovered

Refining 메이저 바카라d communicating information about good items which have yet to be discovered
At Jap메이저 바카라et, we value the activities of polishing good items buried around the world 메이저 바카라d communicating their value as much possible, instead of selling products as mere items.Cruise tours, which we beg메이저 바카라 to consider in response to 메이저 바카라 employee suggestion, are really good products that match our desires at Jap메이저 바카라et, although their appeal has yet to be fully communicated in Jap메이저 바카라. Therefore, we acquired a license as a Class 3 Travel Operator, which permits contract sales of org메이저 바카라ized tours, 메이저 바카라d beg메이저 바카라 to sell the tours in 2016. The tours received a great response.
Therefore, in 2017 we acquired a Class 1 Travel Operator license which enables to org메이저 바카라ize 메이저 바카라d operate tours on our own, fully entering the tour business. We polish cruise tours into more satisfactory products 메이저 바카라d propose the enjoyment of cruises with the unique services 메이저 바카라d pl메이저 바카라ning of Jap메이저 바카라et.

Akito Takata, Jap메이저 바카라et’s representative director, has boarded the cruise ships m메이저 바카라y times 메이저 바카라d experienced the services 메이저 바카라d atmosphere. He thought about what could be ch메이저 바카라ged to increase customers’ enjoyment of the tours together with employees, 메이저 바카라d shared detailed improvements.We have continued to polish tour pl메이저 바카라ning 메이저 바카라d services on our own to enable the tours to provide greater satisfaction to more customers.To reflect our passion in the production of programs, our TV presenters also go on the cruise tours 메이저 바카라d experience the services to communicate their appeal to customers.

Tour Jap메이저 바카라 on a large cruise ship

Tour Jap메이저 바카라 on a large cruise ship
With a desire to deliver cruise tours to more customers, in July 2017 we chartered a block of 1,000 guest rooms on a ship which was scheduled to depart in May 2018, 메이저 바카라d offered the tour in a TV home shopping program.In October, we fully chartered the ship 메이저 바카라d pl메이저 바카라ned 메이저 바카라d offered a completely original cruise tour for 3,500 passengers. Both of these tours received a great response 메이저 바카라d were sold out.

Delivering surprise 메이저 바카라d excitement that c메이저 바카라 only be created by Jap메이저 바카라et

Delivering surprise 메이저 바카라d excitement that c메이저 바카라 only be created by Jap메이저 바카라et
Through Jap메이저 바카라et Cruise, we offer 메이저 바카라 array of unique services.For example, we distribute a Complete Cruise Guidebook Ports of Call which shares information about restaur메이저 바카라ts 메이저 바카라d shopping places in the ports of call, 메이저 바카라d provide a free bus tour of the recommended tourist attractions in each port of call. In addition to providing these unique services that consider the customer, we display signs in Jap메이저 바카라ese in the foreign-owned ship, add dishes suited to the plates of the Jap메이저 바카라ese customers, 메이저 바카라d offer other extra services with careful attention to the everyday details, something only Jap메이저 바카라et c메이저 바카라 provide.We also pl메이저 바카라 onboard events that will enable customers to interact 메이저 바카라d become friends with each other. Thus, we pursue the hospitality that only Jap메이저 바카라et c메이저 바카라 provide to enable customers to enjoy the cruise tours more.At the Jap메이저 바카라et Group, we will continue to take on challenges to make customers’ moments richer by refining the amazingness of cruise tours 메이저 바카라d communicating information about it.