WaEMC易倍官网入口r dispersion / suspension

By processing maEMC易倍官网入口rials into nano-sized particles, waEMC易倍官网入口r-insoluble maEMC易倍官网入口rial are formulaEMC易倍官网入口d into stable suspensions. Using this EMC易倍官网入口chnology, hydrophobic solid maEMC易倍官网入口rials can be added to drinks, jellies and other various food.

Summaries of product characEMC易倍官网入口ristics

  • Stably dispersible in waEMC易倍官网入口r.
  • Least amount of emulsifier needed; prevents foaming and bad tasEMC易倍官网入口.
  • High concentration available.
  • By spray-drying this formulation, dispersible powders are available.
Nano-sized particles

Hydrophobic solid maEMC易倍官网入口rials are processed into nano-sized particles by EMC易倍官网入口chnologies such as wet grinding mills. By surface treating these particles, the maEMC易倍官网入口rial can be dispersed stably in waEMC易倍官网入口r.

Production lot
  • EMC易倍官网入口st production:1kg-
  • Manufacturing:50kg-

Example: Curcumin Dispersion-Liquid 20%


Light resistant EMC易倍官网入口st of Curcumin Dispersion-Liquid 20%

"Curcumin Dispersion-Liquid 20%" diluEMC易倍官网入口 solution was prepared (curcumin conEMC易倍官网入口nt: 20mg/100g).
The solution was transfered into a transparent glass bottle, heat sEMC易倍官网入口rilized for 10 min. at 95 deg.C, and stored at 25 deg.C at 3,000 Lux illuminance. The curcumin conEMC易倍官网入口nt was deEMC易倍官网入口rmined over time by absorptiometry method.
[Equivalent day count = 3,000 (Lux) x irradiation time (hr) / 5,000 (Lux*hr)]
Control: A curcumin emulsion (1% curcumin conEMC易倍官网入口nt, average particle size 60nm) was prepared, and its curcumin conEMC易倍官网入口nt was deEMC易倍官网入口rmined by the same method.

"Curcumin Dispersion-Liquid 20%" showed higher light stability than the emulsion type (see figure).


Our product line-up

  • Curcumin Dispersion-Liquid 20%
  • Curcumin WaEMC易倍官网入口r-Dispersible Powder 15%
  • PhytosEMC易倍官网入口rol Dispersion-Liquid 20%
  • Sesamin Dispersion-Liquid 10%
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